Monday, February 21, 2005

Bachelor of Robots

When I become famous and have lots and lots of money, I am going to found a school of engineering. And my school will be the awesomist school ever to be awesome, because the only degrees it will issue will be a Bachelor of Robots and Doctorate of Robotology. I have it all planned out.

Wait! Don't leave yet. I'm totally serious!

Yale has this program called Directed Studies (DS for short) where all the humanities people go to be educated in the classics; it makes up nearly your full courseload for freshman year as you get the full cannon in Literature, History, and Philosophy. Now, this program is pretty cool, but does not offer much for those of us of a more technically inclined bent. What if you had a program for...Directed Robots?

The essence of the program is this: by the end of senior year, you will have designed and produced a robot completely from scratch. I'm talking turning ore into R2D2 here.

A sample course schedule:
Freshman year: Multivariable calculus and linear algebra, Electrical, Mechanical, and Computer Engineering.
Result: Ability to produce very simple robot from standard parts.
Sophomore year: Discrete math, Stochastic processes, Processor design, Metallurgy
Result: Ability to manufacture simple parts and design complex ones, firm mathematical basis
Junior year: Processor fabrication, Artificial intelligence, Dynamical systems
Result: Ability to manufacture complex parts, design and implement advanced robot control systems. Your first robot is complete.
Senior year: Specialize in one of three disciplines: Actuators, sensors, or intelligent control systems. Courses in your specialization.
Result: Working collaboratively with students from the other disciplines, produce your senior project robot. Get your BR.

I think you probably have to fit some teaching on thought outside of engineering in with these things, but it would be fantastic either way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to include:

ROBT110: Robot Ethics

Students explore the ethical issues behind installing emotion chips, laser deathray eyes, etc in their robots. Case study: Data vs. Lore.

5:46 PM  

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